Wednesday, March 7, 2012

So bizzy!

I've ordered a six-burner stove, a big convection oven, three sinks, a fridge and a freezer, and a warming cabinet. I bought a used fridge from a Toledo restaurant that went out of business and it got moved in last week.

I contracted for the stove/oven hood which may hold up the April 2 opening a bit, as first drawings have to be made by an engineer, then those plans get approval from the building code people, then there's installation and testing and more approval. This week though I found out that the plans will probably all be OK'd by Friday and serious building out will begin.

I submitted my plans to the Health Dept for their scrutiny. I got back a five-page letter of "changes," although they're all minor. I was informed I had to take the two-day ServSafe food manager course and luckily it was offered last week and I took that and the test. Hoping I pass.

I bought business insurance last week. Today I printed out about 10 pages of forms to apply for a wine-only-in-unopened-bottles liquor license and tomorrow I'm getting fingerprinted for part of that process. I'm meeting with an attorney Monday who will sign those forms.

I was notified last week that I got a low-interest loan from Bowling Green's economic development fund which completes my funding. The loan closes next Weds.

Many, many other details are being attended to. I've met with one food wholesaler, with another meeting later with another. I ordered checks and they've arrived.

Need to start looking for employees, finalize the cost of food and menu prices and buy takeout containers. I did mock up some preliminary menus this week with actual prices. And have a lead on a possible employee.

Talked to Dave Horger who does the 6-9 a.m. radio show on WBGU-FM about advertising on his show. Friday I meet with the Chamber of Commerce director.

The name now is officially Good To Go. Got an estimate for a sign from one vendor, waiting on another's price.

Got a phone number which will be forwarded to my cell until the kitchen actually opens. So now I can get business cards and other printed materials with a phone number on them.

Bought the domain name from Network Solutions and am having that point to which I already had bought and am having hosted at NS. They have been very helpful.

Need to buy pots and pans and other kitchen items, and takeout containers. Checking prices at, who look to be the lowest. Need to firm up a cash register/credit card swiper.

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