Now that the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter has accepted my project proposal, YOU have the opportunity to donate at whatever level fits your pocketbook.
How this works for me: I've set a (low) goal of $2,500 that I'd like to raise in 30 days. For each level of pledging, there is a reward, all of which include a listing on a list of Backers of Good Taste and most of which include some tasty items from Daddy's Girl's kitchen. If I reach or exceed my goal at the end of the 30 days, I get the money (minus some processing fees).
How this works for you: Click on over to the Kickstarter website. Below the giant (temporary) logo (which will soon be replaced by a video), there is an explanation of what I'm trying to do and why I need the funding. In the right column, you'll see what rewards I'm offering for your pledge. By clicking the big green Back This Project button, you'll get to a page where you can choose your level of support.
At the end of 30 days-- and if I've reached my goal-- Amazon Payments will take the amount you pledged from whatever account you signed in with. NOTE: Amazon Payments is kind of like PayPal, but different. Yes, you do have to log in and get signed up and give a card number to pledge. This is not a tax-deductible contribution on your part. It is an exchange of your money for my rewards (in case you were wondering).
If I don't reach my goal, no pledges will be collected from you. And I will be sad. A little.
I am also offering, separately, the opportunity for you high rollers to directly invest in Daddy's Girl. For $2,000 or more, you can support my start-up with my guarantee (we'll sign some paperwork) that in two years, you'll make a 20% return. Email me at for more information on that option.
Two people have already pledged on Kickstarter,one of whom I don't even know! Thank you so much in advance. I'll keep you posted.
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